Monday, October 16, 2006

An Ode to MRI

MRI Lover

You great magnet, I know
How you pull and possess.
In your liquid helium overcoat
You are so stubborn
You take no argument
You wear the pants.

I am not your lover,
For you don't care for my silks and musk.
Even if I swallow paperclips, buttons
I will be invisible to you,
Though you will push yourself through me
And draw cirles around
Those sacred parts.

But I like to lie in your still heart.
I know you search through the different pieces of me
And take those certain dipoles
In ten thousand glassy fingers,
Bending them
Into a slow and stately dance.
You cradle each clumsy jolt of my nerves
When I look into you
You pull my very eyes into alignment.

I think on restless nights
That we both dream
Of iron and the iron-dark.


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